Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"You is Like my White Momma!"

Last year, I had the brilliant idea of making my students write letters to their teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week.  It was wildly successful and motivated so many teachers that I have done it again this year.  I always say something to the effect of, "I know I am everyone's favorite teacher, but if you have another teacher you would like to write to, please do.  I don't want anyone to feel like they have to suck up or be worried they will hurt my feelings."  Many write to me anyway, and I'm always and touched and amused by their thoughts. Last year, a student wrote "You is like my white momma!"  I will never forget it.  I am also shocked by who actually writes me.  It is often the person who I think hates me, or who has made little effort to interact with me, or this year, comes from the class I enjoy the least. 

Here are some gems from this year's letters (grammar and spelling intentionally not changed):

"Your really funny & whenever you get mad at people, it's even more funny.  Before the year is over, you should go in front of all the buses and start dancing."

"Your what I call a New School Party Animal with a spicy side if needed to be brought out." <what does this mean?  It sounds vaguely inappropriate!>

"I choose you as my favorite teacher to adknowledge because of your kindness, bad ass gangster coolness, and your humor and commitment towards your students." <this may be my favorite of the year>

"I feel comfortable in your class, which has definitely helped me since I am a newer student.  You know when to be funny and joyful in class which makes you that much better as my teacher."

"No matter how much you yell at me or give us alot of work your always here even when I'm failing your class."

"When I gave up on myself you was there and pushed me to do better."

<This one means so much because this student and I butted heads at the start of the year.> "Whenever I need help your there to help me.  Your a really nice teacher and you will always be there for your students no matter what."

"I appreciate the love you give to each and everyone of your students, especially me."

"I appreciate you because you didn't give up on me when I was straight up failing your class."

"At first I was like, 'Oh my gosh, this class is boring,' but now I love it."

Annnnnd a last minute entry that I just received at the end of the school day today (brace yourself),

"You always gives such good advice.  Member that time I was like Imma punch that bitch and you was like naw, don't do that?  I'm glad I listed to you." <I assume she means listened and I literally spit my drink out reading that one>.

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